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John Barreiro | profile | all galleries >> The Czech Republic plus Bratislava & Budapest >> Budapest, Hungary 2012 >> Art Nouveau Architecture-Budapest >> Budapest: Isabella utca 94 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Budapest: Isabella utca 94 | Budapest: Sipeki Balas Villa | Fővárosi Vakok Intézete

Budapest: Isabella utca 94

On May 16, 2012, I took a private walking tour with local architectural historian Julius Palacinka. We were on our way to the area of Budapest I had chosen to explore when I was asked if I wanted to take a detour to see a special building. The first sight of the building produced a loud “Wow!” from me.

The Lindenbaum-ház, located at Izabella utca 94, is the design of Frigyes Spiegel (1866-1933) with the assistance of Fülöp Weinréb. The unrestored building to the right was also also design by Speigel. Both were built in 1896-97. *You can find more info on Spiegel and Julius’ architectural walking tours by clicking here.

*24 January 2019 - This link has not worked for sometime now. Today I decided to search the web move carefully for info. In November and December of 2014, Mr. Palacinka reported on his facebook page that he was in poor, his weight was down to 49 kilos. I would guess that when I met him he weighed around 80 kilos. There were no further entries. I found a saved copy of his website on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

I have been unable to create a direct link, but you can access it by pasting the following into your browser.

Do not click. Copy the the text and paste.

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