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Moth Caterpillars

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Caterpillars can be a challenge to ID. Although there are increasing numbers of good guides available they cannot cover all the moth caterpillars that exist in NA. Many caterpillars are exceptionally beautiful. They are brightly coloured, highly patterned and quite exotic, yet more often than not, their adult form (the moth) is drab. I sometimes think that the more drab the moth, the more beautiful the caterpillar, although that is not always true. Another thing to remember is that caterpillars can vary tremdendously within a species, both in pattern and colour. For example, the Hitched Arches caterpillar, below, has both a bright green and a brown form. Variation often occurs with different instars as well.

If anyone recognizes a nameless caterpillar, please let me know! Thank you.

Moth eggs
Moth eggs
Grapeleaf skeletonizing moth caterpillars
Grapeleaf skeletonizing moth caterpillars
Moth eggs
Moth eggs
False Burnet Moth Caterpillars (Family: Urodidae)
:: False Burnet Moth Caterpillars (Family: Urodidae) ::
Pre-tortricid Moth Caterpillars
:: Pre-tortricid Moth Caterpillars ::
Leafroller caterpillars (Family: Tortricidae)
:: Leafroller caterpillars (Family: Tortricidae) ::
Leaf Skeletonizing Moth caterpillars (Family: Zygaenidae)  4624
:: Leaf Skeletonizing Moth caterpillars (Family: Zygaenidae) 4624 ::
Slug Moth Caterpillars (Family: Limacodidae)  4653 - 4665
:: Slug Moth Caterpillars (Family: Limacodidae) 4653 - 4665 ::
Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moth Caterpillars  (Super Family: Pyraloidea) 4986.1 - 5767
:: Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moth Caterpillars (Super Family: Pyraloidea) 4986.1 - 5767 ::
Plume Moth Caterpillars (Family:  Pterophoridae )  6105
:: Plume Moth Caterpillars (Family: Pterophoridae ) 6105 ::
Habrosynes, Thyatirids, and Hooktips-Caterpillars (Family: Drepanidae) 6251 - 6255
:: Habrosynes, Thyatirids, and Hooktips-Caterpillars (Family: Drepanidae) 6251 - 6255  ::
Geometrid caterpillars (Family:  Geometridae) 6278- 7605
:: Geometrid caterpillars (Family: Geometridae) 6278- 7605 ::
Tent Caterpillars and Lappet Moth Caterpillars  (Family: Lasiocampidae) 7698 - 7701
:: Tent Caterpillars and Lappet Moth Caterpillars (Family: Lasiocampidae) 7698 - 7701 ::
Giant Silkworm and Buck Moth Caterpillars (Family: Saturnidae) 7704 - 7767
:: Giant Silkworm and Buck Moth Caterpillars (Family: Saturnidae) 7704 - 7767 ::
Sphinx Moth Caterpillars (Genus: Sphingidae)  7776 - 7893
:: Sphinx Moth Caterpillars (Genus: Sphingidae) 7776 - 7893 ::
Prominent Caterpillars (Family: Notodontidae) 7895 - 8011
:: Prominent Caterpillars (Family: Notodontidae) 7895 - 8011 ::
Tiger and Lichen Moths (Family: Erebidae; Subfamily: Arctiinae) 8090 - 8262
:: Tiger and Lichen Moths (Family: Erebidae; Subfamily: Arctiinae) 8090 - 8262 ::
Tussock Moth Caterpillars (Family: Erebidae: Subfamily:  Lymantriinae) 8203 - 8318
:: Tussock Moth Caterpillars (Family: Erebidae: Subfamily: Lymantriinae) 8203 - 8318 ::
Litter Moth Caterpillars (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Hermeniinae)  8348-
:: Litter Moth Caterpillars (Family: Erebidae, Subfamily: Hermeniinae) 8348- ::
Cutworm Moths and Allies (Family:  Noctuidae) 8536 -
:: Cutworm Moths and Allies (Family: Noctuidae) 8536 - ::
Flower Moth Caterpillars (Family: Noctuidae, Subfamily: Heliothinae) 11164
:: Flower Moth Caterpillars (Family: Noctuidae, Subfamily: Heliothinae) 11164 ::
Caterpillar with parasites
Caterpillar with parasites
Caterpillar with parasites
Caterpillar with parasites
Caterpillar on red  oak, Symmerista?
Caterpillar on red oak, Symmerista?
Moth caterpillar
Moth caterpillar
Parasitized moth caterpillar
Parasitized moth caterpillar
moth caterpillar
moth caterpillar