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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Bees, Wasps, Sawflies and Ants (Hymenoptera) (22 Sub-galleries) >> Bees (8 Sub-galleries) >> Carpenter Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Xylocopinae) > Small carpenter bee (subgenus zadontomerus)
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29-Apr-2017 Christine Hanrahan

Small carpenter bee (subgenus zadontomerus)

Reveler Conservation Area

Thanks to iNaturalist for taking this to subgenus level.

Panasonic LUMIX FZ200
1/320s f/4.0 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Greenberg02-Mar-2022 20:33
I love how you caught him looking back at you. ~BV~
Pierre07-Feb-2022 18:09
Un magnifique gros-plan, des détails en quantité! V
LynnH06-Feb-2022 18:01
Talk about eye-contact! Wow. V
Jeff Real06-Feb-2022 15:05
This is really amazing macro work!
I love seeing this.
Jean Chiasson06-Feb-2022 14:35
Beautiful close up details Christine V
Walter Otto Koenig06-Feb-2022 14:31
Very cool detail in this close up. Shows so well against these leaves. "V"
Patrick Goossens06-Feb-2022 14:05
Incredible look on this bee
Hank Vander Velde06-Feb-2022 13:43
Excellent sharp macro image Christine.
Kevin D Warren06-Feb-2022 13:24
An intimate look into the world of this little bee. Always fascinating to the see them close up like this.
John Reynolds LRPS06-Feb-2022 09:40
Great close up shot. V.
Nirvan Hope06-Feb-2022 05:05
Fantastic to come up with the identification of this little creature.
joseantonio06-Feb-2022 04:41
fabulous closeup details.V.
Raymond Ma06-Feb-2022 02:20
Fabulous details and the contrast of the black and the leaf color is wonderful Christine. v
globalgadabout06-Feb-2022 01:42
astonishing clarity and sense of scale, and the glistening leaf looks delicious..
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