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larose forest photos | profile | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Bees, Wasps, Sawflies and Ants (Hymenoptera) (22 Sub-galleries) >> Bees (8 Sub-galleries) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bees (8 Sub-galleries)

You never can tell with bees.


Newest photos are at the beginning. Remember to click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photos.

Nomad bee (Nomada)
Nomad bee (Nomada)
Pollen gatherer
Pollen gatherer
Last of the nectar
Last of the nectar
Carpenter Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Xylocopinae)
:: Carpenter Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Xylocopinae) ::
Cuckoo Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Nomadinae)
:: Cuckoo Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Nomadinae) ::
Plasterer Bees (Family:  Colletidae)
:: Plasterer Bees (Family: Colletidae) ::
Andrenid bees (Family: Andrenidae)
:: Andrenid bees (Family: Andrenidae) ::
Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)
:: Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) ::
Sweat Bees (Halictidae)
:: Sweat Bees (Halictidae) ::
Bumble bees (Bombus)
:: Bumble bees (Bombus) ::
Leafcutter Bees, Mason Bees, and Allies  (Megachilidae)
:: Leafcutter Bees, Mason Bees, and Allies (Megachilidae) ::
Pollen laden bee
Pollen laden bee
Pollen-covered mating bees
Pollen-covered mating bees
Bees on magnolia flower
Bees on magnolia flower
Bee with a parasite load
Bee with a parasite load