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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Bees, Wasps, Sawflies and Ants (Hymenoptera) (22 Sub-galleries) >> Bees (8 Sub-galleries) >> Carpenter Bees (Family: Apidae; Subfamily: Xylocopinae) > Small carpenter bees (Ceratina)
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Christine Hanrahan

Small carpenter bees (Ceratina)

The top photo shows the tiny (ant-sized) bee on a Coltsfoot plant in the Mer Bleue area, while the bottom photo shows another Ceratina bee on a newly emerged sugar maple leaf at the Reveler conservation Area.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ceya03-May-2017 13:24
Perfect, sharp shots of these bees! V
MarcViskens01-May-2017 12:10
Isabel Cutler01-May-2017 11:28
Wow! They must be in heaven with all that pollen.
Yvonne01-May-2017 10:42
Stunning images! v
Patrick Goossens01-May-2017 09:46
Spectacular captures of this great Bee
Juliette01-May-2017 09:17
wonderful shots !!! V
danad01-May-2017 09:07
Stunning details and colors ! Two beautiful close-up. V.
laine01-May-2017 07:42
I think that bee is loving the bed of pretty
Tom LeRoy01-May-2017 07:31
Wonderful close up work, these little bees are amazing to see in action! V
Chris01-May-2017 06:18
Thoroughly enjoying themselves!
Nirvan Hope01-May-2017 05:28
Oh how the insects are busy! The top one looks like it's trying to bury itself in pollen!
joseantonio01-May-2017 04:41
lovely to see the two images together in your presentation.V.
christopheru01-May-2017 01:35
Still at it I see :) Looking Great!
Helen Betts30-Apr-2017 22:50
What beautiful closeups, outstanding detail. V.
Kuriacose Joseph30-Apr-2017 21:26
Crisp shots!
Jim Coffman30-Apr-2017 20:49
Very nice closeups, Christine...
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