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24-APR-2016 Christine Hanrahan

Broad-winged hawk

Reveler Conservation Area

A pair of these hawks found today, calling and circling above the site. At one point, one vanished and returned about 5 minutes later with a garter snake! It landed high up in this tree and I lost sight of it for a few minutes. When I saw it again, the snake was gone.

Panasonic LUMIX FZ200
1/640s f/4.5 at 108.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kevin Warren30-Jun-2016 00:35
Terrific! Have a pair nesting here, always hunting. Lately they've been stirring up the nesting robins.
globalgadabout25-Apr-2016 00:35
a handsome hawk...looks a good day for snake hunting..
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