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Reveler Conservation Area (23 Galleries)

This newly created conservation area is about 45 minutes southeast of Ottawa. It is managed by South Nation Conservation. The site is approximately 100 acres, and was generously donated by Ian Reveler and the Reveler family to SNC in order to protect the land in perpetuity.

It is a wonderful place to observe wildlife, with approximately 150 species of birds observed, many species of butterflies, and a host of other wildlife species.

These galleries are an attempt to document as many species as possible found at the conservation area. Naturally, not every species observed has been photographed, but hopefully in time this gallery will contain a good number of the species found there.

Please click on each gallery to open, and click on each image to enlarge.

Night sky
Night sky
Conservation Area trail
Conservation Area trail
Birds of Reveler Conservation Area
:: Birds of Reveler Conservation Area ::
Mammals of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Mammals of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Reptiles and Amphibians of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Reptiles and Amphibians of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Barklice, Booklice, and Parasitic Lice of the Reveler Conservation Area (Order: Psocodea)
:: Barklice, Booklice, and Parasitic Lice of the Reveler Conservation Area (Order: Psocodea) ::
Bees, Wasps,Sawflies and Ants (Order: Hymenoptera)  of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Bees, Wasps,Sawflies and Ants (Order: Hymenoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Beetles (Order: Coleoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Beetles (Order: Coleoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Bugs (Hemiptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Bugs (Hemiptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Butterflies, adults and caterpillars, (Order: Lepidoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Butterflies, adults and caterpillars, (Order: Lepidoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Caddisflies (Family:  Trichoptera)
:: Caddisflies (Family: Trichoptera) ::
Dragonflies and Damselflies  (Order: Odonata) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Dragonflies and Damselflies (Order: Odonata) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Earwigs (Order:  Dermaptera)
:: Earwigs (Order: Dermaptera) ::
Flies (Order: Diptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Flies (Order: Diptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets (Order: Orthoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets (Order: Orthoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Mantid Lacewings (Family: Mantispidae) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Mantid Lacewings (Family: Mantispidae) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Moths (Order: Lepidoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Moths (Order: Lepidoptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Moth Caterpillars of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Moth Caterpillars of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Nerve-winged Insects  (Order: Neuroptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Nerve-winged Insects (Order: Neuroptera) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Praying Mantis (Family: Mantidae) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Praying Mantis (Family: Mantidae) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Scorpion Flies of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Scorpion Flies of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Spiders and Mites (Arachnida) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Spiders and Mites (Arachnida) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Isopods (Order: Isopoda) of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Isopods (Order: Isopoda) of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Millipedes (Class:  Diplopoda)
:: Millipedes (Class: Diplopoda) ::
:: Gastropods ::
Galls  of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Galls of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Plants of the Reveler Conservation Area
:: Plants of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Fungi, Lichens and Mosses of the  Reveler Conservation Area
:: Fungi, Lichens and Mosses of the Reveler Conservation Area ::
Leech (Macrobdella)
Leech (Macrobdella)
Insects on wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
Insects on wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
Mid-November sky
Mid-November sky
Two views of the conservation area
Two views of the conservation area
Reveler  in spring
Reveler in spring
The woods awaken
The woods awaken
No Hunting
"No Hunting"
Early morning
Early morning
Autumn colours
Autumn colours
Reveler Conservation Area
Reveler Conservation Area
Sasha and the big tree
Sasha and the big tree
Spring at Reveler
Spring at Reveler
The pond, Christmas Eve
The pond, Christmas Eve
Just as the sun comes up...
Just as the sun comes up...
Down the trail
Down the trail
Opening day ceremonies
Opening day ceremonies
Stone wall
Stone wall
Old foundation
Old foundation
Karst features
Karst features
Reveler Conservation Area
Reveler Conservation Area
October at Reveler CA
October at Reveler CA
Reveler in early autumn
Reveler in early autumn