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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> 22 Overseas Trips >> China 2003 >> Album 6: Yangtze River and the Three Gorges tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Album 1: Beijing and the Great Wall | Album 2: Xian and the Terracotta Army | Album 3: Guilin and the Lijiang | Album 4: Kunming and the Stone Forest | Album 5: Chongqing, an overnight stop | Album 6: Yangtze River and the Three Gorges | Album 7: Wuhan: Museums and a quiet lake | Album 8: Hangzhou: Prosperity, tea, and a monastery | Album 9: Wuzhen, an ancient canal town | Album 10: Suzhou: Silk, canals and gardens | Album 11: Shanghai: 16 million people, pet crickets and a museum the shape of a turtle. | Album 12: There and back: Airports

Album 6: Yangtze River and the Three Gorges

The cruise down the Yangtze from Chongqing to Wuhan was a highlight of our China tour. This was soon after
the SARS scare, and tourism was still suffering, so there were more crew than passengers. We were spoiled.
Cruise ships
Cruise ships
Yangtze-style lifeboat
Yangtze-style lifeboat
The Yangtze at Chongqing
The Yangtze at Chongqing
Craft like this everywhere
Craft like this everywhere
Crew of one on these Yangtze River craft
Crew of one on these Yangtze River craft
Smog machine
Smog machine
The first bridge we saw
The first bridge we saw
From the chairlift
From the chairlift
Guide (left), on shore excursion
Guide (left), on shore excursion
Among the buildings on top of the mountain
Among the buildings on top of the mountain
Handing down judgements
Handing down judgements
Punishments of Hell
Punishments of Hell
Temple on the mountain
Temple on the mountain
View from the mountain, looking upstream
View from the mountain, looking upstream
Something to do with coal
Something to do with coal
In the Qutang Gorge
In the Qutang Gorge
Gorge walls
Gorge walls
Approaching sunrise
Approaching sunrise
Sunrise through the smog on the Yangtze
Sunrise through the smog on the Yangtze
Peaks surrounding the gorge
Peaks surrounding the gorge
Old city - new city.
Old city - new city.
On the side trip up the Lesser Three Gorges
On the side trip up the "Lesser Three Gorges"
Ancient coffins were found in these caves
Ancient coffins were found in these caves
On the Daning River - the Lesser Three Gorges
On the Daning River - the "Lesser Three Gorges"
Work, work, Chinese style - seen from the cruise ship
Work, work, Chinese style - seen from the cruise ship
These farms beside the Daning will be submerged
These farms beside the Daning will be submerged
On the Daning River, with Keep Off signs
On the Daning River, with "Keep Off" signs
Cave above the Daning River
Cave above the Daning River
Leaving the Daning River
Leaving the Daning River
Bridge under construction
Bridge under construction
Hill House
Hill House
Hydrofoil in the Wu Gorge
Hydrofoil in the Wu Gorge
Ship in the Wu Gorge
Ship in the Wu Gorge
On the Wu Gorge
On the Wu Gorge
A glimpse up a tributary gorge
A glimpse up a tributary gorge
Kite flown from upper deck
Kite flown from upper deck
A new bridge, to allow for the new water level.
A new bridge, to allow for the new water level.
Farmed mountainside
Farmed mountainside
The river will rise to near these houses.
The river will rise to near these houses.
New City above flood level
New City above flood level
Entering the locks, Three Gorges Dam
Entering the locks, Three Gorges Dam
Entering the locks
Entering the locks
Bridge at Xiling
Bridge at Xiling
Explanatory Model
Explanatory Model
A wonderful site for a weekender!
A wonderful site for a weekender!
How many different cultural influences here?
How many different cultural influences here?
Unidentified bridge, unidentified city
Unidentified bridge, unidentified city
Passing through an unidentified city
Passing through an unidentified city
Costume & Fashion parade by the crew
Costume & Fashion parade by the crew
A cargo of pigs, some dead
A cargo of pigs, some dead
River traffic  through a flat part of China
River traffic through a flat part of China
Wuhan, the end of the Yangtze cruise
Wuhan, the end of the Yangtze cruise