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Kerry | profile | all galleries >> France/UK Trip 2005 >> Palalda tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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This old medieval town is nowadays connected to the resort called Amélie-les-Bains . This village typically Catalan will enchant you with its peculiar atmosphere so. It has delightful small very flowery alleys, houses covered with Virginia creeper, old stony towers "vestige of the ancient Castle", a charming small square and its unforgettable panorama on Pyrenees.

Our group spent a relaxing afternoon here exploring and nooks and crannies of this little town perched on the side of a mountain. My favorite part was visiting the century old church and chatting with the kids on the street.
View from Palalda
View from Palalda
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
Local children
Local children
Resting french tourists
Resting french tourists
Mangy dog
Mangy dog
Century old church
Century old church
Ancient doorknob
Ancient doorknob
More modern church, typical of the Catalan style
More modern church, typical of the Catalan style