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Kerry | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dawson Creek 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Dawson Creek 2006

Dawson Creek is situated in northern BC near the border of Alberta. I came here for work to organize a session for my company's Board of Directors. I don't often come to such rural areas, but a really enjoyed my stay. Life seems to have a slower pace here, people are more friendly, and it is nice to see all of nature around you. My only regret was not being able to see the northern lights....
Me & my collegue
Me & my collegue
Miles zero
Miles zero
Executive team
Executive team
Beautiful praire sky
Beautiful praire sky
Frontier kitchen
Frontier kitchen
Pioneer lane
Pioneer lane
Goofing off from work
Goofing off from work
Small town chapel
Small town chapel
This looks like the moose from Northern Exposure
This looks like the moose from Northern Exposure
Bee balm
Bee balm
Canola fields
Canola fields
Grain tower
Grain tower