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Kerry | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> ANGEL tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

ANGEL | Nature | Hiking in the Pacific Northwest | Steveston | Memories of Anvil | Images of Vancouver | Japan & HK Trip 2002 | France/UK Trip 2005 | Dawson Creek 2006 | Bali, Indonesia 2007 | San Francisco 2008 | Vancouver Fireworks


Like all dog owners, my dog, Angel, is my best friend and companion. She is an Alaskan malamute cross who absolutely loves people (but seems to dislike all other animals). She is very photogenic, however, she isn't very cooperative most of the time. For every picture you see hee, there were probably 30 pictures that didn't make the cut because she moved or looked away. Here is my collection of pictures of her.
Smiley face
Smiley face
Sad, I'm starving look
Sad, I'm starving look
Smiley eyes
Smiley eyes
Running with her tennis ball
Running with her tennis ball
Cover girl
Cover girl
Hypnotizing my brother to give her food
Hypnotizing my brother to give her food
Early morning walks (6am - yawn)
Early morning walks (6am - yawn)
Typical uncooperative behavior when taking pictures
Typical uncooperative behavior when taking pictures
Oh yeah!  Scratch there please!
Oh yeah! Scratch there please!
I love walking with my backpack
I love walking with my backpack
Angel enjoying spring
Angel enjoying spring
Walking with her friend Charlie
Walking with her friend Charlie
My friends cat
My friends cat
That's tasty!
That's tasty!
Angel among the maples
Angel among the maples
Typical state
Typical state
Cooling off in the luxury condo's fountain
Cooling off in the luxury condo's fountain
Christmas socks
Christmas socks
Looking cute
Looking cute
Looking kinda ugly
Looking kinda ugly