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Kathy Khuner | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> INDIA 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

INDIA 2008

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Begging for food or money at the train station
Begging for food or money at the train station
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal
Waiting for the bus
Waiting for the bus
Shave and a haircut
Shave and a haircut
And who knows where the path will lead
And who knows where the path will lead
Which one will they choose?  And what are they looking at?
Which one will they choose? And what are they looking at?
Camels patiently waiting for their riders
Camels patiently waiting for their riders
Scene/seen from atop a camel
Scene/seen from atop a camel
Mystery in a tuk-tuk
Mystery in a tuk-tuk
By the Taj Mahal
By the Taj Mahal
Descending the steps - temple at Kajuraho
Descending the steps - temple at Kajuraho
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