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Kimberley Hannaman Taylor | all galleries >> Galleries >> ArtiFACE > Queen of Queen's Day
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Spring 2006 KHT

Queen of Queen's Day

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Isn't she awesome?!

Nikon D70s ,AF-S Nikkor 18-70 mm

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 15-Apr-2009 00:02
She looks angry, yikes ! ! !
poetry66611-Dec-2007 00:09
Super street capture Kimberley..V.
Eldar Kadymov18-Jul-2006 02:07
She is aweosme indeed, exeptional capture...
Yiannis Pavlis13-Jul-2006 13:53
excellent street capture.
Char18-May-2006 02:49
Excellent character shot Kimberley. V
Herb 18-May-2006 02:10
Dan Chusid18-May-2006 01:26
Queen for a day!
Jim Ross17-May-2006 18:28
Hehe.. .Bad hair day...!!! Nice capture...
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