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Kevin Sproule | profile | all galleries >> 2003 >> July 11, 2003 --- Bow River, Alberta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 11, 2003 --- Bow River, Alberta

July 11, 2003 – Bow River

With Rob and Sage! Go to Gleichen to get permits – a mistake. It’s $30.00 for the boat and $75.00 per person – my tab. Oh well, at least we were totally legal. Leave Red Deer by 7 – on the water by 10:30. River at approximately 100 cms; 2-3’ of vis. Beautiful fine day; mostly light winds – and SLOW. We land half a dozen, lose a few more. Mostly on streamers, BRB, raghead, gartside (white!) – Sage actually does pretty good with a spinning rod and #1 Mepps Gold “Aguila”. We motor down into reserve, motor back, off the water by 8:00 p.m. or so. Decide to pass on the wait for the evening rise – a good call by the sounds of the other reports on the net.
Sunset on the Bow below Carseland
Sunset on the Bow below Carseland