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Kerry Pierce | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Favorite Shots > Black River
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Kerry Pierce

Black River

Detroit, MI, USA

Infrared photo tweaked and blue tone added in PSP7

Sony DSC-F707
Hoya infrared r72, circular polarizer, and neutral density ND4 filters used. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kerry Pierce05-May-2004 02:21
Thanks, Florindo. You're very kind! It is one of my most favorite shots though. :-) Can't remove the tag line. Still got too much to learn.
Florindo Gallicchio 04-May-2004 22:52
One of the better IR photos I've seen in a long time! It's high time to take that ridiculous "so-so photos" tag line out of your STF posts, Kerry! I do believe I said that once before, a while back... :-)
Kerry Pierce21-Jul-2003 16:25
Thanks, your comments are greatly appreciated!
Josh 20-Jul-2003 00:32
very cool, the contrast and the blue really work together well. I like it
Kerry Pierce01-Mar-2003 08:20
Thanks Brenda, I'm glad you like it. It's one of my favorites.
Brenda 26-Feb-2003 18:02
What an awesome photo. All these photos are awesome.
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