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Kerry Pierce | all galleries >> Sony 7x7 Shots >> Favorite Shots > Bird in Infrared
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Kerry Pierce

Bird in Infrared

Detroit, MI, USA

I'm pleased to say that this photo was honored as Picture of the Day in the Black & White category at Shutterbug's at on 12/11/02.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lasher500 05-Jun-2012 13:13
Beautiful shot.
Kerry Pierce10-Nov-2002 03:45
Thanks for the kind words, Brian! They're much appreciated. I'll get over to your gallery and take a look.
Guest 08-Nov-2002 05:48
As always your IR shots are great. But this one is my favorite! Most people associate IR with long shutter speeds, but thanks to your very sensitive 707 you can snap a shot of this bird in motion at fast shutter speeds. Great work!

I'll try and keep my IR stuff up to date in
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