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Running Free

Near Kaw City, OK

I was still using a trusty old friend when I shot this, my old Fuji S2 Pro.

That camera actually smashed into a brick street about three years before this when a tripod leg gave way while shooting a portrait session.

I had my back to the camera and I heard a terrible crashing sound.
When I turned around the lens was rolling down the street and the S2 body was laying there in the street attached to the tripod seemingly dead.
I used my back up camera which was at the time a Mamiya 645 film camera.

Later that day I snugged up the S2 body with a thin plastic tie and it worked perfectly for another three years or so. The tie occasionally became a conversation starter.

I have always thought that it is not the camera so much as what you do with what you have...

The Nikon lens also still works to this day, in fact I used that lens for this shot.

Finally in November of 2009, the S2 was laid to rest when it quit totally one day.

I now have both Nikon D300 and D700 bodies.

And yes I bought a new tripod right away.

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/125s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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