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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Top 100 > Learning the ropes
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Learning the ropes

Canon PowerShot G3
1/160s f/4.0 at 25.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 02-Aug-2018 16:51
Great capture with wonderful eye contact and a cute smile from your little model.
Cindi Smith15-Dec-2015 22:13
She's so lovely! I love this shot! Great image! V
Mieke WA Minkjan10-Dec-2015 06:40
I agree with your introduction of the photo about the equipment,
it is just about what you see and catching the moment V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Dec-2015 15:54
Wonderful portrait posed like this. Really like her expression and eyes. "V"
LynnH06-Dec-2015 20:28
Fantastic lighting and framing and a very beautiful girl. V
larose forest photos06-Dec-2015 19:41
Lovely well taken portrait and the framing is very clever. V
laine06-Dec-2015 18:47
What a beautiful smile and eyes she has...a very pretty portrait, Pawel
jeanb06-Dec-2015 17:46
Janet Donnelly06-Dec-2015 16:54
Striking portrait ..... oh, those eyes! Love your title too!
Karen Moen28-Aug-2015 05:09
I agree with Roland's comment. This is visual perfection! Voted.
MarcViskens11-Aug-2015 11:26
nice shot Pawel
Fred Gary14-Nov-2012 08:59
Excellent portrait with a great idea for framing.
Roland04-Mar-2011 00:01
A beauty, both the beautiful eyes of this young lady as well as the
composition. V
Scapes Photography08-Jul-2010 12:49
Beautifully taken
Gerhard Ritsema12-Oct-2009 21:03
Petros Labrakos13-Sep-2009 10:21
lovely kid portrait!
yannick Beunard31-May-2009 09:08
Magic ! V
Pawel15-Feb-2009 22:23
Beautifull portrait! V
cezarmart02-Aug-2007 21:23
Kids photos are my all time favorites and this one is no exception. Beautiful eyes and smile, great framing and awesome photo.
Bob White24-Jun-2007 09:48
I agree with Henry V
Henry Taitano08-Apr-2007 11:09
Awesome framing! V.
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