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Karl Baer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most viewed images in my galleries / Favoriten > Schurtannen (2424)
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Schurtannen (2424)

Menzingen (Schweiz / Switzerland)

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Barcelona 16-Nov-2006 23:40
hermosas vistas.
Dan Chusid02-Jan-2006 18:12
The grrens look a little overheightened
but the scenery is still fantastic.
Wenche Aune30-Nov-2004 22:03
Coleen Perilloux Landry30-Nov-2004 19:33
Beautiful. Looks like a jigsaw puzzle I had as a child.
Zak30-Nov-2004 18:35
Kenneth Zimmerman30-Nov-2004 18:26
Looks like a painting.
Well done.