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Karl Baer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most viewed images in my galleries / Favoriten > Paris (5486)
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Paris (5486)

Paris (France) - Jardin du Palais Royal

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Ken Zaret06-Jan-2019 17:43
Wow, what do you know:
Rick Bricker16-Jul-2011 18:00
Nice to meet you Karl and to see who's behind all these striking images!
Gary Stanley19-Aug-2009 23:33
Wonderful photos. I enjoyed my visit!
Fay Stout22-Jul-2008 18:44
You have so many beautiful galleries. I have so much enjoyed visiting and seeing the world through your eyes!
Meggi Raeder19-May-2008 15:21
Creative SP - very nice,
Squared C26-Jun-2006 01:45
Fantastic self-portrait with a great expression!
Dan Chusid02-Jan-2006 18:13
Nice to see you Karl!
Michel CORBOZ12-Aug-2005 11:55
nice self portrait