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Shams-ud-din Muhammed Hafiz (c.1320-1389) is the most beloved poet of Persia (Iran) and is considered to be one of history’s greatest lyrical geniuses. Though he is still little known in the Western world, many notables including Emerson, Goethe, Garcia Lorca, the composer Brahms and even Nietzsche were deeply affected by him. Emerson once remarked that “Hafiz is a poet for poets,” and Goethe wrote that “Hafiz has no peer.” The range of Hafiz’s work is astounding, striking a chord of recognition in people from every stratum of mind.
It is said of Hafiz that he wrote with a sweet, playful genius unparalleled in world literature. He is rightfully called “The Tongue of the Invisible,” for through his works he continues to sing beautiful and wild love songs to this world from God.
(from "Love Poems from God" by Daniel Ladinsky)

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By Susanne von Schroeder
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