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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> the_human_condition > Mysterious
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Canon EOS 5D
1/15s f/13.0 at 70.0mm iso1600 full exif

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dane05-Mar-2008 12:40
Window to your soul.
Sheena Xin Liu14-Aug-2007 23:16
a powerful glimpse from the darkness. Great creation.
Roe..20-Mar-2007 01:03
so much mystery..less is more..
Ana Carloto O'Shea15-Dec-2006 17:41
Whoa! Great SP.
I love all that darkness on the left, because it accentuates your glance. Well done.
Lee Rudd02-Dec-2006 18:41
I love the tiny glint of light reflecting in your eye. There is an element of fear here, be careful!
Guest 18-Nov-2006 03:06
Haunting, intriguing.
Ray :)05-Nov-2006 03:39
Love the little glint in your eye.
Kal Khogali03-Nov-2006 14:30
Yes the negative not knowing where you end and where it begins, the eye becomes our anchor. Exceptional. K
Sue Robertson03-Nov-2006 06:53
Fantastic v
Christine P. Newman03-Nov-2006 02:54
The negative space makes that (wonderful)picture.
Sam Bliss03-Nov-2006 00:56
What Phill said. Volumes of possibilities are spoken by the one eye.
AL03-Nov-2006 00:46
One eye and so only half the soul...Always a secret left untold... By Kal :-) Yes a great sense of mystery. And you seemed to be looking hard at us and reading our innermost thoughts. The light and negative space are brilliant too. Intense.
Cindi Smith03-Nov-2006 00:34
Beautiful! A very moving shot! I love the light through the shadows! V
Phil Douglis02-Nov-2006 18:41
You continue to make tantalizing abstractions rich in human values, Jenene. Using yourself as a model, you can probe your subject at will, without fear of antagonizing her. You simultaneously abstract this image on four levels -- you move in to achieve great intimacy, you boldly crop the subject in the frame to stress the staring eye, you build the image around the interplay of light and shadow to withhold more than you reveal, and you somehow add a soft texture to the image that adds to its veneer of mystery by making yourself appear to be timeless. And through it all, the eye continues to hypnotically hold me in its stare. The longer I look, the more it seems to bore into me.