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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> the_human_condition > Reflective
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Canon EOS 5D
1/100s f/4.0 at 100.0mm iso800 full exif

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Lee Rudd02-Dec-2006 18:43
I see Medusa!
Bill Warren03-Nov-2006 13:36
The photograph morphs upward into an impressionistic water color while the colors flood the senses. Voted
Guest 31-Oct-2006 21:23
This is really wonderful!-amazing colors, amazing image!
Nicki Thurgar31-Oct-2006 20:27
Beautifully done, great colours!
Kal Khogali31-Oct-2006 12:34
No more to add...a very clever and thoughtful image. K
AL31-Oct-2006 10:22
Can't say it better than Phil. A mysterious yet beautiful SP abstract. Very well thought and executed. You're the golden girl :-)
Phil Douglis31-Oct-2006 01:19
Incredible image, Jenene -- you have changed yourself into a golden spirit rising from a blooming plant. You are melting into it, a molten goddess. What a great Halloween image too -- it has a ghostly effect, we see you but we don't. Excellent concept, beautifully edited.