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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Sharpless HII Regions > NGC 2244 (Sh2-275)
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NGC 2244 (Sh2-275)

NGC 2244 (Caldwell 50) and NGC 2237-9,46 (Caldwell 49) Open Cluster and Diffuse Nebula in Monoceros
also known as the Rosette Nebula. Taken Jan 17 and Jan 18, 2007 with a DSI Pro II and Outback Cooler
and a Pentax SMC-M 135mm lens. H-alpha subframes (using an Astronomik 13nm filter) were 4 min @ f4
and the G channel was also captured at f4 but with 2.5 min subframes. Due to the bright blue stars
in this region an Orion Skyglow filter was used as a means to control star bloat in the B channel.
Both the B and the R channel were shot at f5.6 with 2.5 min subframes. Total exposure of Ha+R:G:B
(min) = 120+48:48:45. The H-alpha composit was also blended with the RGB channels to build a
luminosity image for final LRGB processing. Color balance was achieved via numerically scaled
channels using G type field stars. Captured with Envisage, calibrated and sigma combined in Iris
with other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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