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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Sharpless HII Regions > Barnard's Loop (Sh2-276)
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Barnard's Loop (Sh2-276)

Sharpless 276 (Sh2-276) or Barnard’s Loop in Orion. Taken Dec 27, 2006 in H-alpha with a DSI Pro II,
an Outback Cooler and a Pentax SMC FA 20mm lens at f4. H-alpha (Astronomik 13nm) subframes were 8 min
for a total exposure of 192 min. Captured with Envisage, calibrated and sigma combined in Iris with
other processing using PixInsight. The seeing, the moon, and the wind created some pretty bad
conditions, but at this image scale it didn’t matter. I didn’t even bother to autoguide, which made
for a simple setup.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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