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Jola Dziubinska | profile | all galleries >> WEDDINGS >> POLTERABEND - ALICJA AND MARCO tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


My niece (and Goddaughter) Alicia will get married on Saturday. Marco, her fiancé, is German. Tonight we have all gathered to share a German tradition of Polterabend which, for me, it was something new I've never heard of before :) And I must say it was fun :)))

POLTERABEND is the term for a German wedding custom in which on the night before the wedding the guests break porcelain to bring luck to the couple's marriage. The belief in the effectiveness is expressed by the old adage: "Shards bring luck" (German: Scherben bringen Glück). The expression is derived from a time when the word "shard" referred to the unbroken clay pots of pottery makers, and not just the broken pieces. It was said that a full jar was a lucky thing to have, therefore the expression "shards bring luck".

The Polterabend normally takes place in front of the house of the bride (or that of her parents), although exceptions are made for space considerations, for example. The couple generally announces the occasion but does not specifically send out individual invitations. Word spreads via word of mouth, and those with a desire to show up may do so. Many couples use this as a way of including people whom they are not able to invite to the wedding itself. Something to eat and/or drink is arranged (either provided for or requested of the guests). Often times guests will bring their gifts to the Polternabend.

The actual high point of the custom is the throwing onto the ground of porcelain that has been brought. However, stoneware, flowerpots or ceramics such as tiles, sinks and toilet bowls are also happily-thrown items. Metal objects such as tin cans and bottle tops are brought along to the festivities. Forbidden are glasses (glass stands for happiness that should not be broken) and especially mirrors (as a broken mirror will bring seven years of bad luck). The couple must thereafter take care of cleaning up the pile of shards. This is supposed to make the couple aware that it will have to work together through difficult conditions and situations in life.
Throwing The Porcelain
Throwing The Porcelain
Broken Porcelain
Broken Porcelain
Throwing The Porcelain
Throwing The Porcelain
Alicja And Marco
Alicja And Marco
Throwing The Porcelain
Throwing The Porcelain
 Porcelain Brought To Be Broken
Porcelain Brought To Be Broken
Ala And Marco Removing Porcelain
Ala And Marco Removing Porcelain
Ala Removing Porcelain
Ala Removing Porcelain
Ala And Marco Removing Porcelain
Ala And Marco Removing Porcelain
Marco Removing Porcelain
Marco Removing Porcelain
Polterabend Kiss
Polterabend Kiss