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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> MY DEAL WITH B&W AND SEPIA > Tall Ship Sailing
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05-MAR-2012 Jola Dziubinska

Tall Ship Sailing


Nikon D7000 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/10s f/4.5 at 85.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Timothy Guenther09-Mar-2012 04:34 heavy weather...
Janice Dunn07-Mar-2012 19:30
That would be a nightmare for me
Mieke WA Minkjan07-Mar-2012 06:31
wonderful creation Jola
Guest 06-Mar-2012 23:22
:) you can sure whip up a storm! V
Guest 06-Mar-2012 18:10
What a creative work Jola!!! LOve it!!!!
Janet Donnelly06-Mar-2012 15:14
Outstanding treatment! A really fine photo!
Guest 06-Mar-2012 06:23
Interesting effects and dream like too... a mystery.
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2012 02:27
This is exceptional. Very, very well done!!!!! V
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2012 01:39
very creative! love it! v
LynnH06-Mar-2012 01:32
I like the negative treatment. Perfect contrast.
Ed McConnell06-Mar-2012 00:02
way cool image Jola..
Ann...05-Mar-2012 23:20
Very well done!
larose forest photos05-Mar-2012 23:13
Very, very cool effect! V+
Stephanie05-Mar-2012 23:01
This is dreamy and lovely! :)
Brenda05-Mar-2012 22:52
Love the knit stormy seas. Very clever and love the blur too.
wernere0105-Mar-2012 21:26
Guess this ship is sailing on a stormy pullover. Really dreamlike and beautiful.
Guest 05-Mar-2012 21:24
Wow, that is really cool.
J. Scott Coile05-Mar-2012 21:14
Well used blur to tell the story of a stormy sea.
laine05-Mar-2012 21:02
Great effect, Jola...a dreamy shot
Laryl05-Mar-2012 20:56
very clever!!
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