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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> PAD PROJECTS >> DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRANSPORTATION > Transportation In The Sky
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30-AUG-2009 Jola Dziubinska

Transportation In The Sky

August challenge "Transportation", more to see

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/250s f/8.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
wernere0102-Sep-2009 19:18
This is wonderful. Great blue sky and extremely sharp silhouette. Must be fun.
Yvonne01-Sep-2009 12:21
A perfect day for floating in the sky!
Bernard Davis01-Sep-2009 09:10
Nice and relaxing, but I bet he gets a lot of engine noise. Great capture.
Linda Willets01-Sep-2009 04:38
Fun way to travel
Cindi Smith01-Sep-2009 02:22
Okay, this is something I've always wanted to do!
Laryl01-Sep-2009 01:26
good one! I looked for the one we see occasionally but it's just so hot, I haven't seen him out this month
laine01-Sep-2009 00:24
Nice comp, Jola.
Ray :)01-Sep-2009 00:08
I like this.
In the thumb I see it as a negative in an abstract sort of way...
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