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B Thomas Johnston | profile | all galleries >> Travel Galleries >> Lesotho tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Lesotho is the poorest country in the world. It is land-locked in South Africa and is known as the Kingdom in the Sky.
Basotho Pony Trekking
Basotho Pony Trekking
Waterfalls in Lesotho Highlands
Waterfalls in Lesotho Highlands
Lesotho Midlands
Lesotho Midlands
Somewhat retouched
Somewhat retouched
God Help Me Pass
God Help Me Pass
Blue Mountain Pass
Blue Mountain Pass
Falls at Semongkong
Falls at Semongkong
Village near Mohale
Village near Mohale
Katse Dam
Katse Dam
Katse Dam
Katse Dam