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John Rendle | all galleries >> Galleries >> Standard Format Images of New Zealand ex Digital SLR > Ripples in the sand, Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Ripples in the sand, Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, New Zealand

Evening calm replaces the almost daily onslaught of wind this area experiences and the low sunlight picks out these patterns. "Leave only footprints" (after taking the photo of course).....they won't be there for long.

Pentax K10D
1/8s f/22.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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John Lamb18-Jan-2009 07:51
Magic John. The spit is a special place. Must go back there one day.
lou_rozensteins17-Jan-2009 22:45
Beautiful composition. Very nice!!
globalgadabout17-Jan-2009 17:08
Kathy Thompson17-Jan-2009 08:02
Lovely ripples and light John!