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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> SADDEST of the SAD > Have ewe heard?
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Have ewe heard?

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Susan Leigh23-Feb-2009 12:14
Beautifully captured, love the light. V
malcolm haslam23-Feb-2009 06:34
LOL...They're probably gossiping about those sheep over at Seaton Carew!
laine8223-Feb-2009 02:15
Nice to see the sheep again !!!
s_barbour23-Feb-2009 00:44
Looks like a very serious conversation...were ewe eavesdropping?
Chris22-Feb-2009 22:22
The Ovine Whisperers!
"It can't be trewe!"
Kathryn22-Feb-2009 21:57
Great shot! I would love to know what they're on about ...
Guest 22-Feb-2009 21:31
It's the triplets again. Great photo. Love the white background
Mairéad22-Feb-2009 20:07
Bleating on about the recession no doubt.
marie-jose wolff22-Feb-2009 19:55
a beautiful pair of gossips! V
Máire Uí Mhaicín22-Feb-2009 19:37
All the cute lines have been used up by now! Sheep on the right looks a bit disdainful, sheep in the centre is waiting for a response, and the one on the left can't get a word in edgeways.
Marie-Hélène Raletz22-Feb-2009 18:43
Fantastic light and mise en scene.
This is Shakespearean, Lord Jag :)

... Now they will pass the word and no sheep will ever want to pose for me :)
J. Scott Coile22-Feb-2009 18:27
I think they're conspirind against ewe ;-)
Phillip Normanton22-Feb-2009 18:27
Tsk tsk - they should be working! :)
joanteno22-Feb-2009 18:04
he's back..
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)22-Feb-2009 18:01
Super backlit shot to illustrate the caption!
Pat Shawyer22-Feb-2009 17:48
Brilliant "Gossip" picture Johnny J !
Cindi Smith22-Feb-2009 17:42
Faye took my words!!! looks like they are gossiping!
Faye White22-Feb-2009 16:55
"and then she said..."
Ann...22-Feb-2009 16:34
Stewart Mitchell22-Feb-2009 16:28
Cool tete-a-tete shot...the one on the left looks a bit sheepish!!
Kevin Chester22-Feb-2009 16:04
Have ewe heard that guy with the camera has a online gallery with pictures of my family on it.
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