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John Ewing | all galleries >> Galleries >> Once in a while > Motivation/excuse
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A.k.a. the only decent coffee within 50 km of home. A good excuse for a pleasant day's cycling. Oh, that and the café's own hand-made ice-cream.

Cortina Eis in Dahn, Germany.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/200s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Steve Thuman05-Sep-2016 15:28
No one drinks the entire cup?
Paul Milholland05-Sep-2016 02:52
I love shots like this.
Laura Milholland04-Sep-2016 23:05
Looks yummy, and I don't even drink coffee! ;) I had to laugh - leave France, go to Germany, to get Italian coffee!! LOL
fotabug04-Sep-2016 17:28
There were four of you on the ride? I would go a distance for a good cup of coffee too! :)
Ed Duverger04-Sep-2016 13:28
Could you not import the coffee and recipe to your home?
But then there was no excuse for excursions any more..
Les excuses sont faites pour s'en servir LOL.