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John Ewing | all galleries >> Galleries >> Once in a while > Yellow
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Roadside scene at a noontide halt.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/125s f/4.7 at 9.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joseantonio12-Dec-2021 08:27
nice capture of those colors.V.
Steve Thuman02-Sep-2016 23:31
Amazing how many flowers so late in summer
Paul Milholland02-Sep-2016 01:58
Be really hard to pass this without pausing to tip your hat.
Laura Milholland02-Sep-2016 01:02
A very beautiful scene - and I'm so glad you took the moment to stop so you could share it with us.
Ed Duverger01-Sep-2016 19:20
Good pointillism.
Glad to hear you are back on your bicycle.
fotabug31-Aug-2016 19:05
Very pretty countryside. On a ride?