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11-AUG-2016 jCross

August 11, 2016


We went on a field trip today sponsored by the local branch of the county library. It is a good deal because it is free. It is also for senior citizens which would be us. We went down to Lake Jackson to visit the Lake Jackson Historical Museum. It is not a very big place, but it is interesting. There is quite a bit of Dow Chemical stuff there because Dow started a plant there at the beginning of WW2 which made magnesium from sea water. The government needed lots of magnesium, so a huge plant and supporting community were built in short order in a place which was uninhabited except for some plantations which had declined over the years.

The main thing in my mind was this airplane, a Windecker Eagle. It was the first airplane built from composite materials. Only eight were built. It was also the first "stealth" airplane. The military was interested, but not that interested. You can read more about it here. An interesting side note was that the building was built around this airplane so that they could fit it in.

Canon PowerShot G15
1/125s f/2.2 at 6.1mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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jCross01-Feb-2017 13:57
At the Johnson Space Center here
in Houston they built a building around
a Saturn 5 rocket.
John Cooper31-Jan-2017 08:30
Built around the plane, good job it was a little plane.