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joanel | profile | all galleries >> Saratoga Springs, NY- July 14-19, 2014 >> The Races at Saratoga tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Around Town- Saratoga Springs | Way Home scenes | The Races at Saratoga

The Races at Saratoga

We spent part of opening day at the horse races. We arrived quite early to get a parking space. It is a very large race track and lots of people attend. There are 3 tracks, one inside the other and which one used depends on the type of racing going on. The outside track is used for traditional horse races. There are many areas outside of the stands to sit. Many people bring coolers (with beer), and chairs. They set up on the grounds and only watch the races on the TV monitors. There are many vendors. We explored. We watched one race from our seats and several others from the railing next to the track.
Saratoga Springs races-
Saratoga Springs races-
entrance - one of them
entrance - one of them
band to entertain before the race
band to entertain before the race
lawn sitters watching on monitors
lawn sitters watching on monitors
getting comfy
getting comfy
walking the horses in the paddock before the race
walking the horses in the paddock before the race
walking the horses
walking the horses
three tracks, dirt, grass, grass
three tracks, dirt, grass, grass
view from our seats
view from our seats
the clubhouse stands
the clubhouse stands
grooming the track
grooming the track
grooming the track
grooming the track
getting ready to start
getting ready to start
Saratoga Springs races-coming around the bend
Saratoga Springs races-coming around the bend
Saratoga Springs races-
Saratoga Springs races-
Saratoga Springs races-
Saratoga Springs races-
on to the finish line
on to the finish line