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Jim Thode | all galleries >> Galleries >> 1937 Buick Eight > Streering Wheel & lock IMG_1448a.jpg
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02-FEB-2006 Jim Thode

Streering Wheel & lock IMG_1448a.jpg

SW Washington State

This steering wheel is off of a car that was abandoned in the woods about 1/2 century ago. Most of the car is just a rusted pile of metal that is overgrown with moss and covered with leaves and such. The Steering wheel and switch are one of the few parts that are still identifiable. As you can see it is a Buick Eight (straight 8 cylinder) and I believe it is a 1937 year model.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1s f/22.0 at 140.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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