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John Reynolds LRPS | profile | all galleries >> Scotland >> Scotland 2021 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Scotland 2021

Scenes from a visit to Scotland in October 2021.
Clachaig Falls, Glencoe
Clachaig Falls, Glencoe
River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
Neist Point Lighthouse
Neist Point Lighthouse
River Moriston
River Moriston
Loch Leven
Loch Leven
Loch Leven
Loch Leven
Allt Dearg Mor
Allt Dearg Mor
Sound of Raasay
Sound of Raasay
Talisker Bay
Talisker Bay
Classic Glencoe Weather
Classic Glencoe Weather
Allt na Measarroch
Allt na Measarroch
Backlit Sligachan
Backlit Sligachan
Allt Dearg Mor
Allt Dearg Mor
Across to Glencoe
Across to Glencoe
Across to the mainland
Across to the mainland
Sligachan Monument
Sligachan Monument