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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> Scotland >> Scotland 2021 > River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean
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15-Oct-2021 John Reynolds

River Sligachan and Sgurr nan Gillean

Sligachan Bridge, Isle of Skye

Taken from the old bridge over the River Sligachan and looking towards Sgurr nan Gillean, one of the Black Cuillin mountains, with an altitude of 3,169 feet.

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Zoltán Balogh21-Oct-2021 12:54
Magnificent photograph! V
Colin Storey18-Oct-2021 18:41
Wonderful image with lovely light and colours, you had good weather on Skye.
Bill Miller18-Oct-2021 15:28
Really super view along the river, perfect place to explore
joseantonio18-Oct-2021 10:57
what an amazing view. Love the light and colors.V.
danad18-Oct-2021 09:06
Beautiful landscape and light.
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