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John Stevenson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Selected Shots tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Selected Shots | Places | Photoshop | Events | Motion | Sky | Still Life | Flowers | Sports | Water | Alternative Processes | Miscellaneous | Black and White Print Scans | Canon S1 IS | Nikon D50 | Nikon D300 | Nikon D500

Selected Shots

"Selected Shots" is the series of galleries dedicated to my best work. Selected Shots are selected not only by my favorites, but also by your views. To ensure that all work is the best when judging by views, I choose by the average views per day. When I choose an image as a "Selected Shot" it goes into one of these special galleries, and also gets a special frame to distinguish it from other shots if it goes into the "Portfolio" gallery.
:: Portfolio ::
Best of 2006
:: Best of 2006 ::
Best of 2007
:: Best of 2007 ::
Best of 2008
:: Best of 2008 ::
Best of 2009
:: Best of 2009 ::
Teacher's Choice
:: Teacher's Choice ::
Best of Summer 2006
:: Best of Summer 2006 ::
The 7th Street Show
:: The 7th Street Show ::