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jcwroton | profile | all galleries >> 2007 >> New House tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New House

Our New House in the Southampton Subdivision (Durham, NC) - Ground breaking was early April 2007 and it was completed at the end of September 2007 (a slight delay from the original August estimate). This gallery documents the construction progress.
House Staked Out on the Lot
:: House Staked Out on the Lot ::
House Foundation
:: House Foundation ::
House Framing
:: House Framing ::
Plumbing and Electrical
:: Plumbing and Electrical ::
Bricks and Siding
:: Bricks and Siding ::
:: Drywall ::
Cabinets, Floors, and Painting
:: Cabinets, Floors, and Painting ::
First Punchlist Walk-through
:: First Punchlist Walk-through ::