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A Block, Cell 48 -- Multiple names and dates

"Bill Wright" was AZ #501 William Wright, in for Escape, Dyer Act, Possession of Unregistered Firearm, P.O. Robbery, and Assault.

"Prendergast" was actually Donald Pendergast, AZ #498, in for Housebreaking and Larceny in Washington, DC

"HL Meyer" was likely AZ #372 H. W. Myers, in for Attempted National Bank Robbery

"Chuck Cole" was AZ #535 Charles Cole, in for Dyer Act (2 counts), Escape (2 counts) and Theft of Government Property

"Bill Simmons" was AZ #57 William Simmons, in for Post Office Robbery and Assault

Canon EOS 10D
4s f/13.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

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