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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canon EF 300MM f/4L IS USM > _MG_9641 - Taking the kids for a stroll
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_MG_9641 - Taking the kids for a stroll

Wild Turkey Family, across the street this morning

Canon EOS 40D
1/250s f/4.5 at 300.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Janet Forjan-Freedman28-Jul-2009 13:32
Wow exciting to see this family parading through your neighbourhood! Great catch!
Robin28-Jul-2009 02:13
My goodness! Good capture!
Guest 27-Jul-2009 19:10
Quite a large flock.
Judith Barnett27-Jul-2009 18:21
How amazing to get the whole family like that! I wonder if they mate for life?
Michele Rodgers27-Jul-2009 17:37
You've been swarmed!
Sue Weisensel27-Jul-2009 17:22
A mighty fine family! In our part of the country we only see them in the corn fields.