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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canon EF 300MM f/4L IS USM > _MG_2965 Surprise Visitor
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_MG_2965 Surprise Visitor

So this is why Ricky was barking at the front door! (He or she had a friend along, too)
Reminds me of an Albrecht Dürer painting.

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/50s f/4.0 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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shuswap02-May-2012 19:24
I'm so jealous, I hunt for those darn snowshoe hares on my property all the time with very little luck! You're so lucky! Love your gallery!
Antje Schulte02-Jul-2009 18:21
How wonderful! Fantastic capture, Isabel!
Sue Hawken30-Jun-2009 04:09
Gorgeous shot and love the sharpness of it.
Sue Weisensel29-Jun-2009 23:10
Isabel, what a nice crisp shot! Knowing your feelings about tripods, I assume it was hand-held...amazing result.
Guest 29-Jun-2009 18:38
amazingly sharp for 1/50th sec with 300mm, Isabel. That seems like a great lens.
Judith Barnett29-Jun-2009 14:46
Oh how precious Isabel, you knew I would love this one!
Guest 29-Jun-2009 04:36
Nice detail and light.
Guest 29-Jun-2009 01:16
Gorgeous! Gotta love that 300mm.