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Ingo Waschkies | profile | all galleries >> Species Gallery (Birds) >> Podicipedidae >> Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)

Adult Great Crested (ssp.  cristatus ) grebe with chick
Adult Great Crested (ssp. cristatus ) grebe with chick
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp.  cristatus ) with chick
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp. cristatus ) with chick
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp.  cristatus ) with chick
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp. cristatus ) with chick
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp.  cristatus ) in breeding plumage
Adult Great Crested Grebe (ssp. cristatus ) in breeding plumage
Great Crested Grebes (ssp.  cristatus ) displaying
Great Crested Grebes (ssp. cristatus ) displaying