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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Casey & Tex > Stretch
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Oct 9th 2007 Mike Stobbs


This is Casey...she is 4 years old now.
Casey is a Lab/Wippet cross and is the "Boss"

Nikon D200
1s f/10.0 at 10.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Inga Morozoff05-Dec-2010 02:50
Fantsatic POV!
Giorgio Iorio15-Jan-2010 04:05
What a cutie!!!
Guest 04-Nov-2007 10:02
Very good! :D
Lee G16-Oct-2007 06:39
The Boss is a slacker Mike. Better get her a Milk Bone... I think she's been chewing on the wall.
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