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Charlie King | all galleries >> Galleries >> Navy - Nuclear - Submarine Training > Approach to Prototype Site
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Approach to Prototype Site

This is the approach road to the Lab site. The actual reactor is inside the large "ball" containment. We will spend many hours in there!

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Guest 17-Dec-2021 14:37
Was in 6903, S3G. Took a shortcut through the woods on the left once, trying to get past a county cop who tried to pull me over for speeding. He knew about the shortcut and was waiting for me before I came out of the woods. Was a former Marine who chewed me out while making me late for muster. But didn't give me a ticket!
Tim. Stanley 17-Dec-2021 03:21
I was in class 69-1 and drove in from Saratoga springs with friend from USC who lived in same quadrupled aptments . Tim Stanley.
By the way if the old barracks you mentioned on treasure island were those two story ones on the shore and almost directly across from mess hall, I went to navy reserve boot camp in them for two weeks in Sumer of 1964.!
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