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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > The glass line (Challenge: "One Line")
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The glass line (Challenge: "One Line")

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endre novak27-Aug-2008 17:31
Alina10-Jul-2008 13:46
Stunning shot! V
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe10-Jul-2008 00:25
Magnificient light Irene
Guest 09-Jul-2008 13:27
Great shot!
Giancarlo Guzzardi09-Jul-2008 07:01
superb, elegant image. Beautiful conceptual research
Enrico Martinuzzi08-Jul-2008 11:29
An outstanding image. Absolutely magnificent.
Lise Trempe08-Jul-2008 11:28
Great light, outstanding composition.
M Williamson Lebon07-Jul-2008 23:41
Terrific!!!!!! VV
Guest 07-Jul-2008 11:23
Excellent! V
Guest 07-Jul-2008 02:04
This is excellent.V
Claude Martin06-Jul-2008 21:25
Pure and outstanding... Bravo!!!
Guest 06-Jul-2008 21:01
Rosemarie Kusserow06-Jul-2008 12:36
I love this one Irene, beautiful golden tone and very nice composed, vote, Rosemarie :o)
sunnyjr05-Jul-2008 13:05
Beautiful shot,gorgeous image ! Voted
Susanne v. Schroeder05-Jul-2008 12:06
Amazing accomplishment!