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Peter Stubley | all galleries >> Underwater >> Underwater Bali, 2008 > It's been days since my last crinoid.
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It's been days since my last crinoid.

Nikon D200
1/250s f/32.0 at 60.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo29-Jun-2008 06:28
Fantastic camera work! Great shot!
Sandi Whitteker28-Jun-2008 15:50
Beautiful light in this pretty shot! Great capture.
Guest 28-Jun-2008 14:55
Wow! What a capture...what an incredible image! Well done!
Guest 28-Jun-2008 14:30
Beautiful image. very well done. v
Jola Dziubinska28-Jun-2008 14:14
Amazing, beautiful. V.
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