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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> COLOR AND COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY >> Water World >
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© 2008 Tomasz Dziubinski

Roztocze, Poland

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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography09-May-2008 09:12
Neal Nye07-May-2008 12:15
A perfectly balanced composition and exactly the right shutter speed. Very fine work!
Paco López07-May-2008 06:57
Superb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VBV!
Sheila07-May-2008 04:30
Gorgeous colours! Great abstract!
shatterbug07-May-2008 04:24
Love the abstractness of this...colors and pattern are wonderful!
Glendower07-May-2008 03:25
Superb light, colour. Voted.
Guest 07-May-2008 02:18
Again you have composed a wonderful abstract from light and water. _V_
Char07-May-2008 02:17
Hi Tomasz,
Absolutely fantastic! \/
Faye White07-May-2008 00:40
I want to put my feet in that refreshing water!