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Israel Fichman R.I.P | all galleries >> Birds >> Songbirds, Perching Birds . > Palestine sunbird.(male)
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09-APR-2008 Israel Fichman.

Palestine sunbird.(male)

Nikon D200 ,Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF-S
1/350s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sonja Ross06-Oct-2008 00:40
Just wonderful timing.
Guest 08-May-2008 16:10
We can see who will be the lucky one to get mom's food :) Great capture, V
Guest 05-May-2008 11:22
Great timing and a outstanding shot.V
Guest 05-May-2008 10:30
A wonderful capture, Israel... Really excellent!
fred_il05-May-2008 08:07
monil05-May-2008 02:39
Wonderfull picture. v
Guest 05-May-2008 01:52
Outstanding Israel, worthy of a National Geographics cover page. GMV
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet05-May-2008 01:33
Gorgeous image.
Guest 04-May-2008 20:22
Oh, wow! What a cracking shot! V
Gerard Koehl04-May-2008 18:44
Wow... fantastique. Bravo pour cette capture exceptionnelle. V
Paco López04-May-2008 17:28
Excellent and lovely!!!!! Big vote!